diamond bird trick


New member
Dec 2, 2012
Hey guys I was just reading some stuff about throttle response for my Ford 5.4 and there are a lot of guys out there saying they did this little trick and it gave them great results. Been used on Fords GMs Dodges even bikes and stuff so I thought I'd post it here and see what y'all thought or if any of y'all have done this. Apparently you can turn your key to the on (not cranked) position and slowly depress the gas pedal then release it quickly. Do this three times and it supposedly resets something (I'm not very engine savvy) :bleh: but a ton of guys have said its helped their engines feel more peppy coming off the line and even improved gas mileage in the city. Give me your thoughts... :D
LOL. Was gonna say what Cheenz said.

As far as helping performance? You'd probably see the same results from taking a big dump before getting in the truck just to shave a lb or two... Should give you about 0.00001s in the 1/4.
Y'all are talking about cycling the engine without it turning on. I'm not talking about cycling the engine at all just turning the key to the on position.
.. Pressing the gas three times does nothing but what cheeny said. It resets the oil life for after you change your oil so the truck/ecu know. And nothing else.

Whoever said they get better fuel and response.... Is.. Well.. A dipshit. Where'd you hear that?

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I understand what you're saying and how it's different from the oil reset just wonder if its a noticeable difference if there is one.
I hear the green colored blinker fluid really helps pick up a tenth or two because of the low viscosity and high sheer factor.
Green is the ford version, purple is for GM trucks :read:

This. You can only run the green if you have led turn signals because the heat. Ford fluid is lighter and thinner, yes. But the stock gm bulb will surely heat up and burn the fluid up if you are ever stopped at a red light trying to turn

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