My Lmm for sale for $8800

My response

Good afternoon

I saw the ad for your truck, and i must say what a B E A U T Y. Looks like you've spent a a lot of time working on it, and id love to purchase the truck. I am an Arabian prince, and cannot inspect the vehicle at this time. However, If you send me your bank info I can transfer the money directly. Please contact me to further this process.

Look forward from hearing from you.

Prince Haywood Jablowme
thats not a fair statement. It's Toronto and 90% of the people there are mentally Handy capped. Thus giving the scammer an unfair advantage.
My BMW is a pretty recognizable car, I get PM's all the time on the BMW forums where people say they see my car listed on craigslist by scammers, and They've also found it on ebay listed by sellers of aftermarket products using my images without my permission.
Thankgod they put "body type: pickup" ...was thinking it was a 3rdgen or something.

Sent them an email. Waiting for response.