OBS brake issues

i was going to say the same thing. ASS LOADS of air in lines. Specially if you did what your dumb dumb friend told you to do. Pump while bleeder is open.

It would take awhile to bleed all the air thru!
yea this is going to take hours to bleed

the other thing if the guy doesnt show up for a while you can crack the bleeders open a little and just walk away, let the gravity bleed some of the air out, then go back to bleeding normally once you tighten them back up.
I was reading about gravity bleeding earlier. I get off at 7 and thats when he's coming over.

Question; last night I was sucking the bubbly fluid out every 20 mins from out of the reservoir with a turkey baster and replacing it with clean fluid. Do I need to grab a case of fluid and continue this tonight?
I may just gravity bleed the whole system out so I'm not swishing around the bubbly shit with the new fluid and hopefully just let the good fluid follow the shitty shit through the lines.
Mechanic never called back. So I'm gravity bleeding. All the bubbles in the reservoir from last night were gone when I got home. So hopefully having the system open like this and slowly draining will help the bubble busting process.

Have clear plastic cups catching the fluid. The fluid in the cups is milky and bubbly. Fluid in reservoir is clean and pretty. Maybe I'm making progress.
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Gravity bleed for the mother fucking win. Did it for about an hour then had my dad pump the pedal while I did a quick bleed on all the corners and it brakes like a new truck.

Thanks for all the input guys. Greatest forum in the land.
The bjs are a little worn but nothing horrible. No grease leaking but there is a little play. Got word this morning that we're gonna switch to six 12s for a couple months to make up for all the rain we've gotten this year. So I'd say within 2 months I'll be pebble pushing unless something else on the truck decided to shit all over my dreams.
The truck runs extremely rough on startup. Barely idles. Then levels out. Just started this last night so I'd assume its a vacuum issue with the brakes. Will it go away eventually once all the pressures are back to normal or do I have a problem?
Yea if I can find some time this weekend im gonna do plugs, wires, and all the filters. It only does it in the mornings and only whenever I go to pull off. Now I just rev it to ~1000 rpms for a few seconds and it's fine when I put it in gear.