Rear diff noise.


New member
Mar 25, 2012
Claremore, Oklahoma
05 2500HD 4x4 gas. It's making a metal to metal noise that sounds like brakes metal to metal just not as loud. It does increase with speed but doesn't get too bad. Can't hear it over the mud tires. Jacked it up earlier and put it in drive and the noise got louder but not too bad. It does have the G80 in it and it is the 14 bolt. Pretty positive the noise is coming from the pumpkin and not the outer wheels. Anyone have any clue what it could be? I've beat on it a little but nothing like I have the 10 bolts in my old trucks. Truck has 135k miles on it.
Sounds like an axle eating into either the inner or outer bearings. Really won't know till you tear it down but if it's always making the noise, I wouldn't wait long to tear down and rebuild