Spark plug cans


New member
Jun 13, 2014
I have a LC9 in my 70 C10 Chev. The bends in the headers made it necessary to remove the can and rubber sleeve from 3 plugs to keep from hitting. There is an least .5 in gap from wire at spark plug to header on the 3 plugs

I am having loss of power and stumbling when in high altitudes - above 3000'. Chev dealer said the spark was jumping to the header on high altitude high loads. I find this very hard to believe since the spark plug gap is about .060 in. I would assume a high load might take more current for the spark gap but there is a huge difference between .5 in and .060in.

Can anyone tell me the purpose pf the cans? I have heard heat shields for the wires and radio interference shields.
I use ones similar to these. Just a high temp cover. Also how old are your wires? Driving from sea level to above 3000' could be a fuel problem but I'm not certain.