Need help with adding trans temp gauge!


New member
Nov 4, 2014
I soldered a stepper in my buddies 03 Silverado for his trans temp gauge. works flawless. Few weeks later I tried in my 05 and it didn't work, soldered 2 different motors in and still nothing. No pictures but the solder points look good. A couple months later another friend tried in his 06 vmax and his doesn't work either. Is it possible all these stepper motors are bad? someone told me the cluster might have to be programmed for it. Any info would be appreciated. Here's a picture of mine before and after. just sits at 100

face plate and trim from yukon denali

stock cluster
I did the same and it doesn't work. Cluster has to be programmed, nobody at my local dealership knows how to program it to work either. Let me know if you get it to work though man.

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I see this all the time but I don't understand really. My speedo stepper went and I sent it out to be replace/overlayed and add a trans temp guage that the truck didn't have before. I just plugged the cluster back in and it worked and has for years
Cluster has to be programmed for it, but my buddy at the dealer can't figure out the programming lol. I too soldered one in and everything..

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Do you know if it is different from year to year? my freind's 03 didn't need to be programmed and it works fine.
Ok thanks a lot for the info. glad i didn't go through the work of pealing it open again and soldering in another motor
You just have to find somebody that knows how to do program it, crazy all the damn people I know and not one of them knows how to do it lol. If you figure it out let us know

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I have mixed stories about this across several forums. Some swear that it worked fine with no programmed, but the majority of people said it does not work without a reprogram. Perhaps it only works on 03 trucks? Or perhaps only on certain trim model trucks?
I have mixed stories about this across several forums. Some swear that it worked fine with no programmed, but the majority of people said it does not work without a reprogram. Perhaps it only works on 03 trucks? Or perhaps only on certain trim model trucks?

I think 05+. Cleanoh4 said his worked. Ik they changes some little things in 05 as far as electrinics. I don't think it has to do with trim though, cause mInes loaded
Chip # 9399059AB has to be edited. Not many people know how to do it fyi including my dealer down the street. Did it to my wife truck, sent it in to a guy on eBay. Paid $90. Got it back, installed and works perfect. iirc from the Ebay dudes response to my question, 05-07 have the upgraded cluster which allows the dic to display more info. IE: tpms, personal settings etc. I do know I had to HAVE my wife's programmed!! Gl