Photoshop these on my truck

Right. I hate to keep looking at them and loving them until I find out exactly how much it'll cost. The fuel rep guy said they are taking orders for them.. So maybe we can contact fuel to get an estimate

Sent from my Galaxy S-Fawhore
He said he didn't know pricing but some other guy there has more of an idea (forget if a store guy or the guy that I seen with him later in the tent) I talked to the small Indian-ish guy

Sent from my Galaxy S-Fawhore
theres not shit on google. no pics, information, anything. not even on fuels website yet. just seen one pic on their FB and IG one time, then yesterday
called but the guy I talked to took a message for the sales guy. sounded like they were busy.

Sent from my work phone while working using Forum Fiend v1.0.1.
lame. i just emailed them for quote on 20x12 in each of whatever finishes theyre offering

Edit. Fast reply, didnt know the little indiany dude there was a high up
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