T-shirts for school fundraiser


Jan 27, 2011
Gainesville, Ga
Hey guys, if you could take a minute and go check out this page, that would be great. Just FYI, me and Courtney are working things out with the intent to get back together. Not sure how many of you know but she's a single mom with 2 girls, trying to work her way through school. The school screwed her over with her Financial Aid and as of right now she will not be receiving any. So she's selling these T-shirts for $17.99/ea to help raise the tuition. She also did a vintage-esq (sp?) photo shoot not long ago if you'd like to order any prints. Just take a look and spread the word if nothing else, maybe your girlfriend or wife would like the shirt. Thanks guys :patriot:


I saw you share a photo shoot earlier and I was like "I wonder......" lol. Best of luck, man!

(But still buy guns and gun parts)
Glad to hear you guys are working thing out

sent from my glade air freshner