Same received and hung up lol. My bad

Should mention that I'm looking for more too
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I have several Tennessee plates if anyone is interested in trading. I can upload pics if needed. Thanks!
I have a bunch - need to look through them to see what I can give up as I am doing similar to what you are doing. I know I have lots of Texas, lots of 70's SC plates, and various others. I'll take a look over the next few days and let you know/show pics of what I'd be willing to trade.
I have a bunch - need to look through them to see what I can give up as I am doing similar to what you are doing. I know I have lots of Texas, lots of 70's SC plates, and various others. I'll take a look over the next few days and let you know/show pics of what I'd be willing to trade.

awesome, sounds good, I have newer TX plates, but anything older would be sweet in my collection. I don't have SC or NC yet. LMK if you wanna do a trade.
Here are mine - thought I had some older 70's SC plates, but I was wrong. I do have a 50's Montana plate. Would take something pretty special for me to let one or both of them go,(matching plates).
The singles aren't really something I want to let go. For the TX plates - the biggest pile is obviously the one I'm most ready to part with. Same for the NC plates.


You can see them all in this folder here:

http://i464.photobucket.com/albums/rr9/rehanvey/Internet pic holding/DSC00087_zps6ecbtj1w.jpg
I'd be interested in a NC and a VA.
I'll have to double check what I have doubles of when I get home
Here are mine - thought I had some older 70's SC plates, but I was wrong. I do have a 50's Montana plate. Would take something pretty special for me to let one or both of them go,(matching plates).
The singles aren't really something I want to let go. For the TX plates - the biggest pile is obviously the one I'm most ready to part with. Same for the NC plates.


You can see them all in this folder here:

http://i464.photobucket.com/albums/rr9/rehanvey/Internet pic holding/DSC00087_zps6ecbtj1w.jpg

I'd be interested in older TX and NC plates, would trade a different style CA and NV plates!
What ones of the CA and NV - pics? I'll PM my email. I just moved up to Rhode Island - so I have to go fishing to find where they are, but I do have them up here.
I have one of the new alaska plates if you have a California or Texas one. It would be the front without tags of course.

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I have one of the new alaska plates if you have a California or Texas one. It would be the front without tags of course.

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dfw alaska tag

any chance you'd have more than one?
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