any pics of a crew cab 1500 with 99 02 hd clip?

Not lowered, but you get the idea

Kind of liking a non hd fron with hd hood better. What you guys think

Yes plz.

Dug through every lowered truck page I could find on insta last night and this is the only picture I could find of the truck I was talking about.

Guess the dude deleted his page now though so I couldn't get more.

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Damn would love too see more pics

Managed to find 2 more and his new insta name, once he accepts my request to follow I'll post more.

Looks like a tahoe grille. I love it. Now that you posted about this, I wanna put a trade ad up on Craigslist lol.

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Fuuu....I just don't know what to do. I'm worried it will De value Truck when I go to sell eventually cause 06 clip is such a popular clip.