NNBS Non-Tow Mirrors on a NBS


New member
There really isn't much to be found online about this swap, thought I'd help out anyone else who might be considering it. I prefer the look of these over the typical tow mirror swap, on a leveled/not super wide truck anyways.

I found these mirrors for $40 on craiglist, they're brand new as the guy switched to tows on his truck right away.

Need to drill a new top hole in the door and oversize the bottom hole closest to the window. Plastic on the mirrors needs trimmed and I used a heat gun to form the front most edge of the mirror to fit the contour of a nbs door better.

Holes drilled and slotted in door

Couple side by sides showing what I trimmed off the mirror. I used an angle grinder and a cut-off wheel for all the trimming. If you don't have a steady hand, a smaller dremel might be better suited. After cutting I just rounded the edges with 180g sandpaper.



Also I used a washer to space out the bottom corner here

Finished product





Filthy truck is filthy
Honestly have never seen them on a NBS. The bottom where you trimmed fits really good but the front and back fit horrible :imo:
Fit definitely isn't perfect, but it's a swap I've never seen in person before and visibility is actually much better with them too
Older, but wanted to bring it back up - I can't find anywhere else that someone documented this swap. I have seen some pics,(but unfortunately can't find them), that showed what appeared to be a better fit. I'm not afraid of trimming/cutting or even serious mods, but this doesn't seem to be workable w/o a very large gap in the front and rear. Anyone else know of a thread or info showing a better fit?