For Sale: Stuff in my garage for sale...


New member
I have 2 "chrome" OEM door handles for sale:

set of "DENALI" door emblems (1 per side):
$20.00 (painted black, was going to put them back on the truck, but like it without any emblems)
includes a bottle of 3M emblem adhesive I bought at O'Reilly

Reese Powertow hitch: $50.00 (hitch ball has some rust on it)

8 GM acorn lugnuts, came off my '07 NNBS silverado: $20.00
Buddy was looking for a chrome set, he's lazy as fuck which equals them staying painted. :rofl:
if he for sure wants them I can remove the paint... hell may do it anyway since no one seems to want them black..